I have picked up photography as a hobby this summer after having purchased a DSLR with my summer job money. Before diving in head-first, I made sure to learn about photography, the mechanics, how to use a camera and how to compose an image. I followed Mark Levoy’s course on photography he teaches at Stanford, … Continue reading "Photography as a hobby"
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YouTube series : motorcycle restoration
I have bought a vintage motorcycle with the money I got working over the summer. I am now restoring it to its former glory, removing rust, polishing chromes and upgrading parts. I document the process in a YouTube Series on my channel, I will publish an episode a week for two months :
Read More2nd Semester project – DUT GMP
Context Within the second semester of my DUT GMP (mechanical engineering and production), 3 of my colleagues and I lead a project. The goal of this project is to study a two-stroke weedwhacker engine, with the help of the material we have learned during the year. This link leads to a mini-website we made, and … Continue reading "2nd Semester project – DUT GMP"
Read MoreTypewriter collection
I own a little collection of typewriters and calculating machines. What draws me to these objects, is that altough they are outdated and obsolete today, they were once used daily, regarded as normal machines, or even as luxury items, as the newest technology money could get. How did the new owner of a brand new … Continue reading "Typewriter collection"
Read MoreCAD of a robot hand
I wanted to create a robot hand, to familiarize with Solidworks (and to have fun, honestly) The goal was to make a complex grabby hand, with multiple sub-assemblies, links and constraints, and to animate it in the end. It didn’t have to be realistic or functionale, though. This is what I came up with, after … Continue reading "CAD of a robot hand"
Read MoreRevisiting photogrammetry
I made an article about photogrammerty a few months back, but have learnt a few new things since, so it’s time for a revamp ! I came across this awesome tutorial on YouTube by CG Geek, and I followed his tips. I will only work on the render part of the photogrammetry, using only the … Continue reading "Revisiting photogrammetry"
Read MoreDesigning and 3D-printing plastic medals
The Zwippy is a funny cute little creature created by a friend of mine, Aurore Lemarié when she was a kid. It really is just a potato shaped creature with antennas, eyes and a spring to move around. I like to draw Zwippys. Actually, you can find them all around my lessons. So I decided … Continue reading "Designing and 3D-printing plastic medals"
Read MoreDesigning a replacement piece for a microwave oven plate (and its failure)
The glass plate of my microwave oven broke, and the only compatible plate that could be found at the local pawn/charity shop didn’t have the little tabs on the bottom to assure a connection with the motor : it couldn’t spin. To solve this problem, I decided to design and 3D-print a plastic piece that … Continue reading "Designing a replacement piece for a microwave oven plate (and its failure)"
Read MoreMaking a NES region free
It all began with me walking into a video game shop. I decided to buy a new NES game, settled down on GOLF, one of the classics that were released with the console in 1985. I got home, Decided to try it out, but it didn’t work. Well, it’ll be fine, I thought, this happens … Continue reading "Making a NES region free"
Read MoreBuilding a whip out of paracord
As always, my wandering on the internet led me to my next project. That’s how I found Adam Winrich, a artist which practices cracking whips for a living. He does very rapid and synchronized whip cracking shows, which I found amazing. This guy has beaten 16 whip-related world records ! So my research ensued and … Continue reading "Building a whip out of paracord"
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